Friday, May 22, 2009


It has been pointed out to me that some of the things I've posted could be taken the wrong way, and that by posting about my personal life, I'm also letting people into Wendy's personal life, and I don't have a right to do that. So, some clarifications, then the change:
First, having coffee or going on a hike with someone, even if it's two different someones in the same weekend, does NOT make Wendy a slut, if I have given that impression I'm sorry, and anyone stupid enough to call her a slut, or any other name for that matter, in my presence, will be spitting out teeth.
Second, Wendy is NOT doing anything to me, despite what may have come across in previous posts. She is being an incredibly good and generous friend at a time when most people would want nothing to do with their ex-lover.
Third, she did NOT break up with me because of the disability- I destroyed her trust long before that, she just took a long time to admit to herself that a relationship isn't what she wanted anymore, it would have happened even if I was still working full-time and fighting for fun.
Finally, as noted above, blogging about my personal feelings and my personal life means spreading her personal life all over the internet as well, and I don't have the right to do that, so this is the LAST personal stuff blog. My feelings, especially about Wendy, will no longer be discussed.

As of now, it's an Entertainment News Blog!

Heath Ledger's Final Film Stars Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, and Jude Law as Heath!
From the Associated Press- Terry Gilliam (from "Monty Python", director of previous Heath film "the Brother's Grimm") says that they were about halfway done with "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" when Heath died of accidental overdose. Although his first thought was to scrap the film, leaving it unfinished, the other cast felt so strongly that the energy and effort that Heath had put into it, they owed it to him to finish it. As it happens, the parts not filmed yet when he died are parts where he has stepped through a magic mirror, three different "chapters" involved. That's where Heath's friends Johnny, Colin, and Jude came in, each of them taking one of the chapters, playing Heath's character after having stepped through the mirror. The most wonderful part of this story, to me, is that rather demand their normal salaries for making the movie, they accepted the remainder of Heath's salary, then gave it all to his daughter Matilda, working for free to complete their friend's movie. In a business that revolves around being fake people, that is a demonstration of true friendship and respect, and I salute all three gentlemen.


  1. The last time someone used that lyric as a blog post title, it was their last blog post before they died.

    I am not even joking.

  2. how fortunate that I just sigend up for life insurance! Wendy will be less-broke!


Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon