Friday, April 10, 2009

Another day, but definitely NOT in Paradise

Okay, you probably noticed the big blank spots where ads usually go. There are two possible reasons for that, both of which I'm trying to resolve with Google now. Possibility one- I violated the "don't click the ads on your own blog" rule when I, well, clicked an ad on my own blog. BUT, I didn't do it just to get the click count, I did it because the ad was for Making Money While Disabled, something I VERY much need to do, and after clicking on the ad I signed up for the service the ad offered, which is the point of the ad, n'cest pas?

The other possibility is that they think I'm trying to pull something by having two different accounts- this one and my old blog. the truth is, I forgot about my old blog (it's been a year+ since I've been on it), and I don't use the email it was attached to anymore (haven't for the year+). Once I realized/remembered that other account, I went and cancelled/closed it, but I still have to wait for my "appeal" to be decided on by Google/Adsense.

Of course, after 2 years of dealing with Social Security, the very word "appeal" just pisses me off. Oh well, hopefully the Google/Adsense people will see that I'm not trying to de-fraud anyone, I'm just forgetful and needing a way to make money.

In the meantime, I *do* have that beautiful, shiny new "donate" button over on the left, there...

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon