Saturday, April 25, 2009

I feel great! No pain whatsoever, wide awake, feel like jogging!

Yes, evertying in the title is a complete lie, you caught me. I slept some more after the last blog, got up and fed the dog, took more meds, then tired to sign up for Yahoo Messenger Voice Services, so I could have a phone # that I didn't have to count the minutes soooo carefully. After 4 tries, multiple charges on my PayPal account (that they tell me will be returned, we shall see), a live chat, and finally a phone call, using up my valuable cell minutes, the yutz for Yahoo tries to tell me that the billing information didn't match, that it's a PayPal problem, and so on, he FINALLY admits that they've had multiple complaints about credit cards not processing right, it's a Yahoo problem, they don't know how long to fix it.

So now I'm looking at Skype. :-)

the Return of the Bad Day

Just woke up, legs are okay but mid-back is mid-aching and right shoulder is right agonizing, more pills and "Bed Buddy" (tm) rice bag heated and put on the shoulder whilst I bring you loyal fans up to speed.

Maybe I can get a work-at-home data entry job? Surely there's somebody who's willing to pay a living wage for semi-dependable work done one hour out of every 6, right? What I really need is a cousin named Guido, so I could go to construction sites and "supervise". Or perhaps I've seen too many episodes of "the Sopranos".

Which reminds me of something that really bothered me at the time- anybody else watch the HBO series "Rome" when it was on? Did you notice that they all spoke Shakespearean English? Now, if I'm watching Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar", then I would expect that, but an HBO original series, why Shakespearean English? C'mon, they're Italian, they should sound like the Sopranos, not Shakespeare!
Of course, on the other hand, the image of Julius Caesar saying "Brutus, dis f$%#ing guy!" just cracks me up, so maybe Shakespearean is a better choice. The world may never know.

I hear Phoenix callin' me

For those of you not in the Salt Lake area, it rained last night. For those of you not suffering arthritis, a drop in temperature causes stiffness and pain. So does an increase in humidity/drop in barometer (I think that's right). An increase in humidity couple with a drop in temperature of more than 10 degrees equals LOTS of pain. Which is why, after multiple doses of meds last night, I'm up at not-quite 9 am, hunched over not able to stand up straight, to take more. On the bright side, when I told my doctor yesterday that my hips and legs were hurting more than normal lately, he said that the arthritis has probably spread to my hips (from my spine). Okay, so the bright side ain't so bright, such is my life.

At any rate, every time it gets cold again here, I find the idea of moving to Phoenix more and more attractive, if I only had the $$.

That's enough for now, back to bed and heating pad.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ups and Downs, mostly Downs

Hey there, I'm *really* medicated right now, but I felt like I needed to post something today-
Yesterday was .... I don't remember right now whether it was bad or good. i think good, because I didn't have any ttrouble waking up this morning. Today started out okay, but Wendy was late getting back here to take me to my doctor's appointment, so she "rushed", which quite honestly scared me and had me bracing myself/tensing up for each traffic light, corner, lane change, and near-rear end collision. The tensing of course led to spasms, so by the time we got back I could barely move and had tears in my eyes. What we found when we got back is why I felt the need to blog- Aurora was here, trimming our rose bushes. She visited for awhile, was very understanding of me being in pain (having seen it countless times before), and finished up with the roses, something she said she had promised to do last summer (okay, if she says so, couldn't prove it by me). On top of that, there was a nice donation in my paypal inbox, for which I am extremely grateful, thank you.

The rest of the "downs" comes in the form of me being too medicated, and, with the weather changed today, most likely in too much pain, to attend St. Pyre's in Cote du Ciel. I HATE having to cancel my plans to attend an event because of this stuff, but in reality it will probably be happening more and more often, as I seem to be getting worse.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm awake, rellzzzzzzzzzzzz

I've been awake off and on, mostly off, throughout the day, never really "with it". Which, of course, is one of the side-effects of the mountain of pills I took yesterday, I won't be completely over them until tomorrow at the earliest.

That's it, back to bed.

bad day v 2.4.1

So, right after my last post, I went to bed, heating pad under my back, reading lamp and glasses on, book in hand, planning on reading until I was ready to fall asleep. That was midnight. I just woke up, at 5 am, heating pad on auto-shut off, book still in hand, readling lamp and glasses still on. Apparently I was OUT as soon as my head hit the pillow. I'm still drifting as I write this, so some fighter Candy to handle the burgeoning oxy headache, and back to bed. Blog you in a few hours!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

bad day version 2.4

Okay, I managed to stay pain-free long enough to go to Forum, but shortly after we got there my left leg started to hurt again, so I took the pills that I had with me (just in case), but by the time Hilde got me home I was having a hard time walking. She hung out for a bit to say "hi" and chat with Wendy, and I put the heat pad on my leg, then under my hip (okay, under my @$$), while we chatted. Then, just after Hilde left at 9:30, we realized (Wendy and I) that we couldn't find Cardhu. In the looking for him, my leg buckled while I was standing near the top of the stairs, so I fell, but managed to catch myself and keep from bouncing all the way down. Right about then I realized that the gate wasn't completely shut when Hilde and I came in (she hadn't been planning on staying nearly an hour), and I had let Cardhu out while she was here (I called her to verify that, and she said she'd be right back to help find him).
So, out to look for the dog, Wendy moving MUCH faster than me, but as we call him we here him answering from just down the street. He got into a neighbor's fenced yard, but couldn't figure out how to get out again. Wendy pretty much ran to get him, me hobbling along behind, now in severe pain after the fall. Hilde pulled up just as I started to call her and tell her we found him, and gave me a ride back past the 4 houses I'd limped past, there being NO way I could have made it back under my own power. Wendy helped me inside, where I took yet another full dose of drugs, and I sat down to catch up on emails and such, which gets us to about 10:30. As I sat reading emails, I dozed off, and just jerked awake at 11:45 pm, and wrote this entry into the ol' blog. Of course, the "jerking" awake caused MORE pain, so one more short dose and off to bed with the heating pad.

I really, truly hope I won't be blogging tomorrow until noon, at the earliest. Any earlier means "breakthrough pain", as in the pain is so bad that it breaks through the drugs I took previously and wakes me up. I'm thinking "bad day v. 3.1" won't be as amusing as today was.

bad day version 2.3

It is now 3:45 pm Tuesday, and I woke up 1/2 hour ago, no pain except the oxycodone "hangover". 6 "Max Strength" Ibuprofen seem to be handling the brain-throbbing pain. Wouldn't it be just on par with everything else if the only way to cure my oxy headache was more oxy? Oh yeah, definition of "addiction", good point.

So anyway, hopefully I'll stay feeling better long enough to attend the Baronial Forum tonight, not that I really need to, but I figure Baronial Officers and the Baronage are like a room full of 6 year-olds: they don't need *constant* supervision, but every once in awhile you need to make sure they aren't planning something evil.

Really, you HAVE to watch 6 year-olds, they are devious and rotten to the core, they exude pure evil. Especially the "cute little girl" ones (shudder).

bad day version 2.2 (backdated)

i knew it would happen at some point- I was up at 9:30, "fold me in half" spasms all through my back, more drugs, back to bed, then my stomach made it VERY clear I needed to eat, so got back up, had one bowl of cereal, THEN back to bed.

I think I need to invite Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" to come spend a day being me.

bad day, version 2.1

It's 5:30 Tuesday morning, about 15 minutes ago the pain in my left hip and left side of my mid-lower back was enough to wake me up, so once again a breakfast of methadone, neurontin, and plenty of oxycodone. One of the ways I can tell that the drugs have not completely worn off before the next dose for all of yesterday and this morning- oxycodone gives me a "hangover", that is a headache just this side of a migraine. If it gave me the shakes and nausea, it would be a true hangover.

It occurs to me that I don't remember eating yesterday. I guess it's one effective way to lose weight, I already know that the reduced eating because of the drugs has allowed my stomach to shrink, like it does when you fast for 3 days. I know this because I used to eat 1 1/2 BIG bowls of cereal for breakfast, now I often don't even finish a partial regular bowl. I now eat 1/2 a regular bowl, maybe seconds (making it one regular bowl) if I'm "really hungry". This of course results in plenty of leftovers, which often end up going in the trash, because I don't finish them before they go bad. It might be smarter for me to stock up on the "single serving" microwave meals, except the ones that don't contain toxins, i.e. stuff I'm allergic to, tend to be rather bland and taste like cardboard.

Oh yeah, for those of you who look at this and think "he keeps saying he's barely coherent when drugged, but this writing is flawless", three things in response:
1- I'm writing at times when the drugs are MOSTLY worn off/haven't kicked in yet;
2- EBlogger comes with spelling and grammar check, duh;
3- most importantly, BITE ME DOUGHBOY!

Monday, April 20, 2009

bad day part 3

So, after I fed the dog, I got a brief nap, then Dunkr came over, I babbled at him for awhile, then I fell asleep in front of my computer while trying to come up with another blog entry, then Wendy came home, and we talked for a few minutes, then I came back to try adn blog again, dozed off a couple of times while trying to write an email or three, and here it is 11:45, my hip is hurting (the left one now) enough to wake me all the way up, so this quick post, then more drugs, a hot shower to try and relax the leg/hip until the drugs kick in, and then off to bed.

Does anybody see any time in this day for me to be earning a living, let alone working at an actual job? Anyone? Anyone? Beuler? Beuler?

bad day part 2

It is now 5:05 pm, I was asleep from shortly after my previous post until 4:30, when my phone alarm to feed the dog went off, waking me up (one of the two reasons I have it set). Unfortunately, while asleep I was having a weird dream about traversing a swamp by jumping from spot to spot, and climbing stuff, and swinging on ropes, etc., and I awoke to rippling spasms up and down my back (which is common after I dream about doing something athletic/strenous). So, more drugs, feed the dog, read emails and post to blog while the dog is outside. Now that he's had enough time out there, I'll call him in, put heat on my back, and read some more until I pass out again.

Watch for episode three in this exciting serial!

bad moon risin'

Okay, not the moon, just me. My right leg/hip is in SO much pain right now, standing hurts, sitting hurts, lying down hurts. All I can do is wait the 1/2-1 hour for the drugs to kick in and knock my @$$ out, and hope that whatever shifted and pinched whatever to cause this pain has shifted back to "neutral". I think I'll try to blog again later, when I wake up, kind of keep a running log of a day in pain. So, it's not quite noon, I've taken a full dose of pills, I'm going to try laying down with a heat pad under my hip and reading a book until I pass out. More later, if I remember.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

another day, another pain in the @$$

First, as I've noted before, Adsense is still debating whether I'm a crook or I made an honest mistake (truth is- the latter), so I figured since I don't have any ads showing up, just big blank spots on my blog, I'll remove the Adsense blocks from my blog. Logical, right? Guess what, you CANNOT remove Adsense blocks from a blog, **even if they've closed your Adsense account**! How stupid is that? "You were bad, so you can't have the ads, but you have to keep the empty spots so people know you were bad", is that it Google?

On another topic, the Salt Lake Police Department announced last week that, starting immediately, anyone they arrest 4 times for vagrancy, panhandling, or a list of other minor things that indicate "homeless person", that person will be provided with counseling on how to get and keep a job, substance abuse counseling, and the kicker- HOUSING VOUCHERS! Meanwhile I, who have NOT broken any laws AT ALL, have to wait another 1 1/2 YEARS (I just checked with the Housing Authority) to get those same vouchers! Where is the logic in this? The cops don't want to deal with them anymore, so they apply for a grant to start this program, ignoring the fact that they are totally screwing those of us who are on the waiting list for those same houses/apartments!

On yet another topic, I'm considering how to go about filing a class action suit against the Social Security Administration for flagrant violation of the 8th Amendment, the one that gaurantees the right to a speedy trial- I don't care who you are, waiting 3 years is NOT speedy!

Any thoughts on the matter?