Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"I'm a Celebrity" missing vital component- Celebrities

The new "season" of NBC's "I'm a Celebrity, get me outta here!" (and yes, that's how they spell "out of" in the title) started last night, once again a bizarre cross between "Survivor" and "Celebrity Apprentice", but this time without the Celebrities. Seriously, here's a partial cast list-
Stephen Baldwin; Torrie Wilson; Patti Blagojevich; Spencer and Heidi Pratt; Sanjaya Malakar; John Salley; and Janice Dickinson. With the exception of Baldwin (and only because he looks like his brothers) would you really recognize any of these people on the street? I understand that they couldn't get any "A-list" people, but these people are barely "D-list". How far down the alphabet are we going to go here?

I hereby declare myself the first M-List Celebrity (1000 people know who I am!) Pass the word, maybe I'll make it all the way up to K-List, then I can be on this dumb-ass show, too!

1 comment:

  1. I watched a tiny bit of this show on Hulu and was completely cluless to who these people were. What I want is a death match between Joan Rivers and Tom Cruise over the last candy bar on the Island that would be Celebrity Survivor.

    Not that I watch Survivor.

    Oh and for you Kevin Bacon. Once I was making a joke about Kevin Bacon in Hollow Man while walking to Central Park and out of an Apartment Building walked Kevin Bacon. It was very very very random I suspect though he was watching me invisibly and had assumed his corporeal form to teach me not to tell jokes about people. It happened with Nuns too. I told a Joke about Nuns and magically there were Nuns listening... Scary.

    Maybe I can tell a Joke about Money for you Morgan.


Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon