Sunday, May 17, 2009

and now, it's a RELATIONSHIP blog!

As I mentioned previously, Wendy is very much over me, and I guess it's a good thing she doesn't read this blog, because if she did she'd know I'm not nearly as over her. If only she had dumped me for good 5 years ago, during one of our regular "break up" periods, when I had an "understudy" already on hand (and in bed, to be honest), to get me over her. Now, I have to start again fresh, with several serious disadvantages- it's hard to take a woman out when you don't have a car, or any money to take her anywhere with; it's impossible to invite a woman over for dinner when you still live with your Ex; it's *incredibly* hard to be attractive to anyone when you're 42 but walk like a 75-year old, always using the power cart at the store, often needing to sit in a wheelchair and be pushed around during long days. There's a very accurate reason that several cultures referred to crippled men as "so-and-so the Un-Manned".
But I still have to try, right? It's either that, or give up on the idea of having an intimate relationship of any kind for the rest of my life, and (for me at least) internet porn just don't cut it.
So, what am I looking for in a woman? Here's my list of "must have" qualities, in no particular order-
1: She must be attracted to me.
2: She must be attractive to me. Note- no specific body type or hair color, etc., she just has to have that spark.
3: She must be interested/involved in the SCA.
4: She must be single; I am familiar with the "polyamory" ideas, not interested, thanks, I want one-on-one relationship.
5: No psychos. Having some emotional baggage is fine, you can't reach 40 without it, and God knows I've got plenty of my own, but no telling me your pregnant just to test my reaction, no calling me 20 times a day to make sure I'm not cheating on you, etc.
6: She must live in Southern Artemisia, preferrably Salt Lake, but anywhere in the area is fine. She can be a Montanan, but I won't ever live there again (cold HURTS, and it's cold waaaay too long), so she'd need to move south.
7: She must be prepared to deal with my disability, and my being destitute.
8: She must be relatively intelligent; at least able to keep up with a discussion on modern politics and such, without referring to the President as Barack Osama.

Not asking a lot, right? Apparently I might as well be asking for a supermodel! It appears that all of the single women in Artemisia fail on either number 1, number 4, or surprisingly often number 5. As of right now, I know of only two candidates (but one of them seems to be failing on number 1).
This of course makes me incredibly jealous of Odfa, and Dunkr, and Padruig, and Doug, and Ulrich, and Vidar, and Stephen- all these guys I know who have incredibly beautiful wives that are WAY out of their league, and none of them has an available sister damn it!

Oh well, life goes on, and I must continue to try and find someone to share my life with, because lonliness only makes the disability and destitution worse.

Which reminds me, if you have a spare buck, feel free to click on the "donate" button.

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon