Monday, April 27, 2009

Let the Debate Begin!

Since I'm up, I decided to read my pal Glen's blog,

and this gem caught my eye. A couple of things you (oh random reader) need to know- Glen is in fact my best friend in the whole world. I love his kids like my own, his wife like a sister, and him like what I'm told brotherly love should be (I have very little experience in that area). BUT, I generally HATE his politics! Which is okay, he (mistakenly) doesn't like mine either, and we are mature enough to discuss and debate our differing views without it turning into hatred. the lesson here kiddies- politics is a small part of who a person is, get to know the whole person before you decide they are evil.
So, to my point- the conservative right-wing, while admitting that increased spending is necessary to get out of the mess that "dubya" left us, is attacking Obama's "legacy social program" spending, as Glen puts it-
"Yes, but the President is certainly taking advantage of this situation to push a HUGE social agenda. I actually agree that temporarily that the government is going to have spend tax dollars in order to keep our economy from falling apart, but what he is doing is instituting HUGE legacy social programs that will continue to exist long after this crisis is over. Most fiscal conservatives are against this."
And just WHAT would fiscal conservatives prefer those tax dollars be spent on? More military? More support for Iraq? What, exactly, is it that you fiscal conservatives find SO distasteful about spending money to take care of our own people? Part of this funding is supposed to help reduce the Social Security backlog, currently standing at EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND filings, with nearly TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND CASES OVER 900 DAYS OLD, not counting those who've had to re-file and start over again at day one after a couple of years of appeals. What's wrong with the government helping to fix a healthcare system that has been overrun by the medical insurance inquisition, oops I mean "industry", and corporations who think hospitals should be profit-generating business in all areas, rather than facilities dedicated to the Hippocratic Oath and to serving those in need. At what point did we, as a nation, decide it was okay for ANYONE to make profits off of a medical emergency, no matter what it is?
If anything, Fiscal Conservatives should be *applauding* the legacy social spending that Obama is setting up, as it will, in the long run, give more of the average person's income BACK to that person, to be spent as they see fit, encouraging economic growth.
Being at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, and being one of those most directly affected by President Obama's social spending, I say thank you very much, and carry on sir!

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon