Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm fine, so NCIS trivia!

trivia about my favorite show, NCIS- Michael Weatherly, who plays Anthony DiNozzo, remarks during one episode that "I have a better chance of getting a date with jessica Alba than these gusy do of getting into SeaLift". Quite a funny line, because A) the bad guys had gotten into SeaLift, and B) Michael used to be on the series "Dark Angel", and was in fact engaged to it's star, Jessica Alba.
One of the "character background" lines for DiNozzo is that his very wealthy family disowned him when he became a cop. In fact, Weatherly's family disowned him when he became an actor (no word on whether they've pulled their heads out yet.)
Speaking of which- one of the victims that they are checking on is supposedly the filthy rich grandson of the man that was the original importer of real Victorinox Swiss Army knives to the U.S. In fact, that importer is Michael Weatherly's real-life father, yes the same putz that disowned him for doing something he's very good at.

And you thought YOUR parents were impossible to live with!

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon