Tuesday, April 28, 2009

talk about a bad dream!

Okay, it's no secret I'm a geek. I read comic books when I was a kid, still do (except I can't afford them anymore). I mention this because I had a comic book dream last night/early this morning. I don't remember most of the details, except the important one- I was a hero who had been given a new weapon. Unfortunately, every time the weapon fired, I gagged, the full-body kind. And of course, the weapon was on automatic, so it kept firing over and over again. As I slowly wake up, I realize that I really am gagging, although it's not so much a "gag" as it is a "struggling to breathe". Seems my apnea got the better of me last night. Of course, the full body spasms induced by the fight for air caused my back, hips, and legs to go into full muscle spasm, so at 5 am I hobbled into the kitchen on both canes and took a full dose of pills with chocolate milk. I went back to bed, careful to turn my head so I could breathe easier, and just woke up a little bit ago.

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon