Tuesday, April 21, 2009

bad day, version 2.1

It's 5:30 Tuesday morning, about 15 minutes ago the pain in my left hip and left side of my mid-lower back was enough to wake me up, so once again a breakfast of methadone, neurontin, and plenty of oxycodone. One of the ways I can tell that the drugs have not completely worn off before the next dose for all of yesterday and this morning- oxycodone gives me a "hangover", that is a headache just this side of a migraine. If it gave me the shakes and nausea, it would be a true hangover.

It occurs to me that I don't remember eating yesterday. I guess it's one effective way to lose weight, I already know that the reduced eating because of the drugs has allowed my stomach to shrink, like it does when you fast for 3 days. I know this because I used to eat 1 1/2 BIG bowls of cereal for breakfast, now I often don't even finish a partial regular bowl. I now eat 1/2 a regular bowl, maybe seconds (making it one regular bowl) if I'm "really hungry". This of course results in plenty of leftovers, which often end up going in the trash, because I don't finish them before they go bad. It might be smarter for me to stock up on the "single serving" microwave meals, except the ones that don't contain toxins, i.e. stuff I'm allergic to, tend to be rather bland and taste like cardboard.

Oh yeah, for those of you who look at this and think "he keeps saying he's barely coherent when drugged, but this writing is flawless", three things in response:
1- I'm writing at times when the drugs are MOSTLY worn off/haven't kicked in yet;
2- EBlogger comes with spelling and grammar check, duh;
3- most importantly, BITE ME DOUGHBOY!

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon