Friday, April 24, 2009

Ups and Downs, mostly Downs

Hey there, I'm *really* medicated right now, but I felt like I needed to post something today-
Yesterday was .... I don't remember right now whether it was bad or good. i think good, because I didn't have any ttrouble waking up this morning. Today started out okay, but Wendy was late getting back here to take me to my doctor's appointment, so she "rushed", which quite honestly scared me and had me bracing myself/tensing up for each traffic light, corner, lane change, and near-rear end collision. The tensing of course led to spasms, so by the time we got back I could barely move and had tears in my eyes. What we found when we got back is why I felt the need to blog- Aurora was here, trimming our rose bushes. She visited for awhile, was very understanding of me being in pain (having seen it countless times before), and finished up with the roses, something she said she had promised to do last summer (okay, if she says so, couldn't prove it by me). On top of that, there was a nice donation in my paypal inbox, for which I am extremely grateful, thank you.

The rest of the "downs" comes in the form of me being too medicated, and, with the weather changed today, most likely in too much pain, to attend St. Pyre's in Cote du Ciel. I HATE having to cancel my plans to attend an event because of this stuff, but in reality it will probably be happening more and more often, as I seem to be getting worse.

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Youse got sometin' to say to me?! Lemme hear it! Give me a name for the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon